Thing is, without a gripping career option within Extreme Mode, this really feels like a feature that's only going to come into its own in multiplayer.Īside from handling and dynamics, realism has another meaning in a racing game, and an official licence is duty-bound to deliver every last drop of the detail and paraphernalia surrounding its sport.

The handling lets you get away with murder, and there's no need to worry about leaning, or whether to slam the front or back brakes. It's fast, it's friggin' furious, and most importantly, it's a piece of piss to get the hang of. As you might guess, Extreme Mode panders to the arcade racing fan. It offers made-up riders riding fictitious bikes on street and public road courses only loosely inspired by the areas in which they are set, from deepest South Africa to rural middle England. It's for the latter camp, who have always been scared off by MotoGP's simulation-like attention to detail, that the game's most obvious addition has been made: Extreme Mode.Įxtreme Mode will horrify MotoGP purists. Others hate the fact that the slightest brush with another rider sees you flying off your hog, receiving tenth-degree bums as your ass kisses the tarmac. Some love the pressure of knowing that if your back wheel so much as touches a blade of grass then you're sent sprawling.

Then there's the uniquely unforgiving handling of a bike. Here you have a whole host of elements that those behind the wheel of a car can ignore: leaning left or right to improve cornering, leaning forwards to improve speed on straights, backwards for better braking - there's even front and back wheel braking, for god's sake. The realism aspect is another huge consideration. But isn't that what a racing game is all about? As long as it can give you that slight I'm gonna cack myself feeling of insane velocity, it's doing something right. So it all flashes by unnoticed as you focus on the track, until you hit 260kph or so, when the tasty motion blur kicks in, inducing something between exhilaration and nausea. The irony being that all this loving work - this polygon polishing and frame-rate oiling - is to a degree wasted: take your eyes off the track even for a moment and you're prone to come a cropper. Riders shake fists at other racers when they clip wheels, reflections flicker on polished paintwork, and you're treated to a quick replay every time you fall. Slick as hell, gleaming bikes, shimmering tarmac, rustling trees and expansive landscapes are propelled past you at what seems like the speed of light. Boiled down, what it offers is twofold: realism and speed.Īs far as speed goes, MotoGP has always delivered. In fact, the Monopolies and Mergers Commission have been rumoured to be looking into the fact that if you want a decent motorbike racing game on PC, there is only one choice: MotoGP. As the latter camp consists of a mum and an adolescent nephew, we'll continue on the basis that you're here because you want to know exactly what marks this dose of carbon emission-reeking speed-freakage out from the last rather than what inane pun this tired hack is going to spin next MotoGP has been around for a fair number of years now, and has pretty much blown away the opposition to become the PC's best thing on two wheels. If You're reading this opening sentence you're probably either a racing games aficionado or a big fan of the writing of Steve O'Hagan.